Suzette Hinton once said, “Sometimes, we need to say ‘no’ so that we have more time to say ‘yes’.” Saying no is important for entrepreneurs because it creates boundaries and sets expectations. Yet it is still tricky for many because as small or start-up business owners, we rely on others’ opinions to impact our growth. 

Even still, saying no can be a helpful tool in your business tool box, especially when you’re first starting out. If you’re just one person with a lot of big ideas, that’s great! But, because you’re taking on a lot, you have to be careful about spreading yourself too thin. You only have so much gas in the tank – use it wisely. 

That’s where the wonderful word ‘no’ comes in handy. 


While it’s perfectly within your right to say no freely and at your own disclosure, you also don’t want to burn any bridges in the process. So, be kind with your no’s. 

If somebody comes to you wanting to be your client (that you otherwise would want to work with), but there’s just no way you can take them on, let them know that’s not because of them or their project. Even throwing in a referral to a different business they can go to for help is a great way to make them feel taken care of while protecting your space. 

You want to leave the door open for them to come back in the future once you have more time or a larger team. Also, being kind is simply a great priority to have as a business owner. You don’t want a rant on Yelp from a client about how you were dismissive. Plus, being kind is just a good idea in all aspects of life – so, why toss it away in the business world?

Saying no is also one of the attributes that protects your brand from veering off it's path of authenticity. You should only be taking on projects, clients, and endeavours that speak to your brand's purpose. If something doesn’t feel right, odds are it’s because it isn’t. 

You always want to strive for quality over quantity with your brand. If you’re only handling a few truly amazing projects, don’t get down on yourself about it! You started this business for a reason, and it’s 100% yours. So, only do things you actually want to do. And don’t feel bad about it!

Saying no is a hard thing to do. It might even feel awkward at first. But it’s a power you can learn to wield over time. And it won’t just help you out in your business, but your personal life as well. 

Surrounding yourself with people who support you and the way you choose to spend your time is incredibly important when it comes to taking a big professional  step such as starting your own business. If you have friends constantly badgering you to go out and party with them after you told them several times you want to do some work on your brand – say no to those people. 

And the friends that do respect those boundaries will be the best people to surround yourself with. Quality over quantity applies to friendships too, maybe even more so than in business. 

So, start setting those boundaries and don’t be afraid to say no, especially when something just doesn’t feel right. Then, when something genuinely great comes along, you have the power to say yes. 
