
People love it, but rarely think they can achieve it in a business sense.

That kind of mindset is not welcome here, no thank you! You are the best version of yourself when you’re leaning to your authenticity. But, it’s easy to be unsure of which way you’re supposed to lean. 

We’re here to help. Helping people lean into their authentic selves is what we love to do. Once you are authentically aligned,  you can elevate their brand in an organic way. 

The 7 core characteristics of authentic brands according to the Authentic Brand Index are a great tool we use to guide you. They are as follows:


What are you and your brand bringing to the market that sets you apart? This is something that can grow and evolve as you do, but it needs to be genuine. So, figure out what your competitors are missing that you’ve got. Everyone has something unique to bring to the table. 

Personal Utility 

Ask yourself: Does your brand deliver utility? Meaning, are you helping people to make their lives easier, more fulfilling, less stressful, or anything else that contributes to a happier life? This is what everyone is looking for in a product or brand, so be ready with the answers you’ve gained from your own life experiences.

Declared Beliefs 

Does your brand stand for more than just making money? Odds are you stand for more than just growing your bank account, and it’s important to show that to your customers. Allow your brand to be an extension of yourself and reflect your vision of the world. People love it when they can get a sense for the person behind the product, so give it to them!


How hard does your brand try to not let people down? When people hand their money to you in exchange for something, they expect to get their money’s worth, which is pretty fair if you ask us. Practicing sincerity in your business is crucial to gaining and keeping customer trust. When you’re sincere, you are upfront about your services. When it comes to price, quality, and consistency, your client needs to know what they’re getting – that will tell them everything about the sincerity of the kind of business you are. So, what steps are you taking to guarantee customer satisfaction? This is also an important thing to keep in mind when you want loyal customers. They’ll come back if they trust your brand, but that’s a trust that you have to build yourself. 


How well-known is your brand? At first, it might not have much brand recognition, and that’s okay! But you need to keep  a steady rise in awareness if you want to see growth. To do this, lean into your marketing side and communicate your brand message to the public. Social media and a bomb website are a just few things we can help you with that will allow people to become more familiar with you and your business. 


Does your brand have an aura of becoming more sought-after? Once the ball starts rolling and you get your brand off the ground, you need to build on the momentum of being the new kid on the block. Engage with social media followers, attend community events, or host an event of your own. You’re cooking up amazing things so try your best to serve it while it’s still hot!


Does your brand have an engaging or relevant story? Whatever your reason for starting this brand  ( your ‘why,’ as we call it), make it known. Let people hear your story and why this brand is important, because it is! You created something that you’re passionate about, and there’s a reason why you did. So, let the world in on it. 
If you’re feeling off track, refer to these characteristics. All of these answers are inside of you already. Just keep pushing forward and always ask yourself if this brand truly feels like you!

Because there’s no better brand than one that’s authentically you. 
